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Linklok Paypal - Sell downloadable products with Paypal

V3.7 released 3rd March 2025 See version History
Our classic Linklok Paypal is still developed and supported. However we recommend new users to checkout out Vibracart Pro which allows you to sell both downloads and physical products with ease.

What is Linklok Paypal?

As you probably know Paypal provides an easy to setup service for receiving payments for your products worldwide. One problem faced by many sites however is how to securely automate delivery of downloadable products after payment. If you sell digital products such as music mp3’s, software, e-books, photographs, embroidery patterns or any other download file Linklok will automate the delivery process keeping your clients happy and making your life just that bit easier.

Seamless process

The buyer clicks standard Paypal Buy Now, Add to Cart or Donation buttons on your site and checks out through Paypal as normal (both Paypal accounts and credit cards supported). After payment Linklok will immediately verify the payment with Paypal, checking the amount paid is correct, and return the user securely to the download page. Linklok also sends a download email out as well. This happens even if the buyer closes the browser before returning to your site. The download page can match your site exactly.

I do not normally bother contacting companies when their product "works" however yours was exceptional.  Well done and thank you.

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Michiel S

Linklok Paypal reviews on Hotscripts

Secure download links

The download links used in the download page and the email do not show the location of your files on the server and will expire after a predefined time (you can even IP lock them if you wish). There is no way to break or modify the links as we use secure hashing to verify authenticity. Files can be stored on your server or alternatively on Amazon S3 which is a great solution for large files.

Linklok doesn't just handle downloads

As well as handling downloads Linklok supports tangible items and can be used to send serial number or unlock codes from a list or user defined PHP function where required. Many additional features allow you to have buyers added to your Aweber or Mailchimp lists, watermark PDF files with the buyers email address and to call affiliate systems. Linklok can also integrate seamlessly with our Sitelok members area script creating accounts for your clients.

Works great with Vibracart Paypal

Although Paypal's own cart works well for many sites we have also developed our own cart, Vibracart Paypal, to improve the shopping process and to add more features such as discounts and coupon codes. Linklok will work seamlessly with Vibracart using the same Paypal add to cart buttons.

Watch a typical checkout process

If you prefer click here to view this video in YouTube.

Try a live order

If the video didn't give you that hands on feeling then you can try a live order. Paypal don't provide an easy way to make test purchases but we have setup a demo Buy Now button for $0.01 enabling you to purchase the Linklok Paypal Manual (you can download this for free on this page of course). Please note that we do not refund these payments!

Comprehensive manual

Linklok Paypal manual
Want to know more? Why not download the manual so that you can see what Linklok Paypal can do for you. We provide extensive documentation in PDF format for our products and not just a quick readme text file.

Linklok Paypal Manual

As well as the manual you can check our knowledge base and of course direct support.

Feature List

Linklok Paypal has a huge number of features including those listed here. You can download the comprehensive PDF manual for full details.
Easy to install on almost any server supporting PHP. No PHP knowledge is needed.
Linklok Paypal works with Paypal's Buy Now buttons, Add to Cart buttons or Donation buttons which means that it should work with any existing Paypal buttons that you already have on your site. Linkok can automatically generate button code for products defined in Linklok.
Linklok Paypal uses IPN and PDT to verify orders are genuine and also checks that the correct price has been paid. These checks stop hackers modifying prices in your buttons or redirecting IPN calls etc.
Everything your clients see can match your site completely. This includes the download page and the email content.
Download links generated by Linklok can have an expiry time set which can be from minutes up to several years. They can also be set to never expire in which case they simply hide the location of the file on your server.
As well as the expiry time set in download links Linklok can also IP lock them to the buyer. This does require some small changes to your buy buttons though. In most cases time expiry is sufficient anyway.
The download links do not contain the location of the file on your server so there is no risk of the link being decoded etc. This ensures that nobody can ever bypass Linklok and link directly to your product files.
Supports unlimited products, unlimited products per order and products with multiple files.
Linklok can deliver free bonus item(s) when the order reaches a certain total amount. Multiple levels and items can be defined
Supports any of the multiple currencies allowed by Paypal
Your download files can be stored on your server, Amazon S3, Dropbox, DigitalOcean Spaces, B2 Cloud or Google Cloud Storage. New Feature
Linklok has the ability to provide extra product data such as unlock codes or serial numbers etc. These can be provided in advance in a text file list or calculated using a user provided PHP function.
Links can point to an html or PHP page instead of a download. However please note that the security only applies to the page pointed to and not onward links from that page.
Normally the download page and email templates can handle any number or items per order. However you can define product specific templates if you sell items individually. Linklok also has a powerful product segment system for the templates as well.
Linklok allows you to email download links manually if required.
In addition to the download email that is sent out you can also define emails to be sent to the client for order confirmation and to you for order notification. Also you can also define an email to be sent to you whenever a Linklok generated download link is used. This provides the users IP address (and optionally IP country) as well. This is useful for EU VAT records. This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from
Linklok integrates with our Sitelok members area script so that you can add buyers to your members area automatically. You can do this on a product basis which is useful if you want to provide access to product support areas for example. For further details about Sitelok please visit the Sitelok page.
When used with Sitelok and our free Linklok Orders plugin you can easily setup a client download area on your site.
Automatically have buyers added to your mailing lists. Built in support for AWeber, Mailchimp, ARP Plus, ARP Reach and GetResponse.
Linklok has built in support for Jam Affiliate, iDevAffiliate and Shareasale. Linklok will also work with most affiliate systems that add tags to the thank you page anyway.
Linklok works seamlessly with Kunaki and Trepstar enabling you to automatically ship music, video or data CD's, DVD's and USB sticks (Trepstar only). They will burn your disc, print covers, package and ship your product out to clients worldwide at a very low cost. New Feature
Optional SMS text alert when orders received. Requires Clickatell account
Although Linklok does not require MySQL it does allow more advanced users to use a database to store orders and product definitions. We do not currently provide tools to access or analyse this data. However third party developer has developed llop which is a great script for managing orders and products stored in tables from Linklok. For more information please visit their site at Most hosting companies also provide tools such as phpMyAdmin which can access the data.
Linklok Paypal works seamlessly with Vibracart Paypal which is our easy to install popup or embedded replacement for Paypal's built in shopping cart. For further details and demos please click here.
Linklok Paypal can integrate with Jalbum allowing sales of photos directly from your online album. This works using the add on skin called Chameleon providing automated sales and delivery.
Handles Paypal Payment Reviews. From time to time Paypal may block a buyers payment immediately when they purchase. In this case you can choose whether to still deliver the downloads or to delay delivery until Paypal have finished reviewing and approved the payment.
Bonus (free) download links can be added based on the total order amount.
IPN pass thru feature means you can use multiple scripts.
Your buyers can download directly to Dropbox if they wish. See our knowledge base article which explains how to use Linklok with the Dropbox Saver system.
PDF Watermarking. You can optionally have PDF files watermarked with the buyers email address as they are downloaded.
Option to send emails via Sendgrid for great deliverability.
Regular updates. See version history.
Detailed PDF manual and great support


Linklok works on most Linux or Windows servers whether shared or dedicated. Just check that the server has PHP 5.5 to PHP 8.1 Most do. We can recommend A2 Hosting for use with our website scripts but most hosting plans are fine. We advise clients to download and read the manual before purchasing.

Please note that closed web creator sites like Wix, Weebly etc are not supported as they do not allow addons to be used.

Thanks for your fast help and support, I can't recommend you highly enough, your scripts rock and do what they say on the tin!

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Andy N

i really have to say that linklok paypal is a great piece of software! and you have a very very good manual.

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Emil K

I use Vibralogix's Linklok Paypal software to allow my customers to securely download what they've purchased. It has been the best single piece of software I've ever bought. It works easily and invisibly in the background. In the very rare times that I've had need of customer support, they work tirelessly and patiently until the issues are solved. Probably the best customer service experience I've encountered in the software world. It's hard for me to imagine how I sold online products before I discovered Linklok Paypal. Five stars!

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Gary E

Buy Linklok Paypal V3.6

Linklok Paypal costs just $29.95 plus VAT where applicable (for use on one domain) and is available for immediate download after purchase. It's a one off fee and not a subscription. The purchase includes one year of free upgrades and support. If in the future you require additional licenses these are available at a discount of 50% (contact us for details).

Buy Linklok Paypal & Vibracart Paypal

We currently have a special bundle price if you purchase Linklok Paypal and Vibracart Paypal together. The bundle costs just $44.95 plus VAT where applicable saving 25%.