
Paypal IPN and PDT changes for HTTP 1.1

You may have recently received an email from Paypal informing you of changes they are making which require modifications to scripts that handle IPN or PDT calls so that they use HTTP 1.1. We have updated our Linklok Paypal and Sitelok Paypal plugin products to be compliant with these changes. These updates are free of charge. Paypal require all users to update their sites by February 2013. If you need any help please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Linklok Paypal

We have released V2.5 that has the required changes as well as other updates. We have also updated earlier versions as well so that you are not forced to purchase an upgrade. Please visit the download page and download the latest version that is available to you. You will need to login to access the downloads. There are some notes on the page about how to update linklokipn.php but if you have any problems just email over your current linklokipn.php and we will be happy to do this for you.

Sitelok Paypal plugin

We have released V1.6 that has the required changes and can be downloaded free from the download page. Just follow the manual to perform the upgrade. If you are using a version of Sitelok earlier than V3.0 with the older Paypal module please contact us.

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