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Sitelok V5.9 released

Changes to V5.9 include

  • Added back row highlighting which seemed to disappear after V4.6!
  • The random password mask can use O for a non alphanumeric character.
  • The + character in emails now validates correctly
  • The form designers now allow the font weight to be set
  • Updated the email system to use PHPmailer V6
  • Added a new API function called slapi_getuserdata which can retrieve user data for users who match specific conditions. It also has a CSV file function which works great with the Power Grid CSV stack (see article for more info).
  • Many tweaks and bug fixes

  • Visit the Sitelok version history page for a full list of new features.

    Visit the Sitelok page.

    Linklok Paypal, Mals & ASecurecart updates

    We have updated Linklok Paypal, Linklok Mals and Linklok ASecurecart. Changes include

    • Support for secure file access to B2 Cloud storage
    • Updated PHPmailer support to V6
    • Various bug fixes and tweaks

    Important If you use PHPmailer and are upgrading from an earlier version of Linklok please download (from the support area) and upload the files to the same place as your Linklok file.

    Linklok URL V3.5

    We have updated Linklok URL with support for PHPmailer V6 and some bug fixes.

    Important If you use PHPmailer and are upgrading from an earlier version of Linklok please download (from the support area) and upload the files to the same place as your Linklok file.