
Linklok Mals

Linklok Mals V3.2 relased

We have updated Linklok Mals to support PHP 8.1

Visit the Linklok Mals version history page.

Visit the Linklok Mals page.

Linklok Paypal, Mals & ASecurecart updates

We have updated Linklok Paypal, Linklok Mals and Linklok ASecurecart. Changes include
  • Support for secure file access to DigitalOcean Spaces and Google Cloud Storage. Ideal for large files.
  • Support for Trepstar allowing automated delivery of CD's DVD's and USB sticks.
  • Passwords generated for Sitelok no longer have the ! character at the end which caused issues for some users.
  • Various bug fixes and tweaks

Dropbox support in Linklok update

We have released new versions of all Linklok products adding support for the latest Dropbox API. If you use Dropbox with Linklok we recommend you update before June 2017. The support folder dropbox-sdk is no longer required so can be deleted after you update.

If you have any questions please contact us.

Dropbox support added to Linklok

We have added Dropbox support to all versions of Linklok. This works in a similar way to our Amazon S3 support. Linklok can generate secure download links that download directly from Dropbox. Users don't need a Dropbox account to download of course.

Amazon S3 V4 Signatures are now supported. V4 Signatures are required by buckets in some new regions such as Frankfurt.

Sitelok passwords (where supported) are handled more securely now with an option to only display them when a new Sitelok account is created. After this the password can be starred out or some specified text can be displayed instead.

Linklok URL now has the ability to save form submissions to Sitelok. This allows you to keep in email contact with contacts.

Linklok Mals important free update

Mal's e-Commerce are making some minor server changes which will come into effect on 1st June 2015. To ensure Linklok Mals is compatible with these changes please update linklokme.php by downloading the latest version available to you in Your Products page (you will need to login). This is a FREE update. We have updated each available version to be compatible with the new changes. If you need any help updating just email us your current linklokme.php and we will update it for you free of charge.

PDF watermarking added to Linklok

We have added a PDF watermarking feature to all versions of Linklok. This allows the users email address to watermarked on the PDF during download. This can help reduce sharing.

We have also added IP country reporting to the download notification email (and other templates) which can be useful for EU VAT reporting. Linklok URL can use the IP country within your pages to control content based on the users location.

Linklok Mals, 2CO and ASecureCart updates

We have updated Linklok Mals, Linklok 2CO and Linklok ASecureCart

Mailchimp support added
ARP Reach support added
Bonus items based on total order amount can now be delivered
Option to block downloads by email address.
Updated S3 support to work better with non US buckets
Solved bug with GetResponse support

Updates for Linklok Paypal, Mals and 2CO

We have updated Linklok Paypal, Linklok Mals and Linklok 2CO. New features include:-

Integration with PDF Honeypot allowing PDF files to be embedded with the buyers email address.
Support for Get Response. Buyers can be added automatically to your list.
Better integration with Sitelok.
Choice to delay delivery for orders flagged for a Paypal payment review (Linklok Paypal only).

AutoReponse Plus support fro Linklok Paypal, Mals and 2CO

We have added support for AutoRepsonse Plus (ARP) to Linklok Paypal, Linklok 2CO and Linklok Mals (other Linklok versions may support ARP later). Clients can be automatically added to a mailing list either globally or to product specific mailing lists. For further details please visit our product pages. The upgrade is free for users that purchased within 12 months.

Kunaki support added to Linklok

We have released new versions of Linklok Paypal, Linklok Mals and Linklok 2CO. Support for has been added allowing automated shipping of CD's and DVD's to clients worldwide. Several other features and fixes have been included.

Linklok Mals important update

Mals eCommerce recently updated their system requiring a (FREE) update to Linklok Mals. Without the update Linklok will still deliver download links on the thank you page but the email might not be sent out.

We have applied the fix to all versions in the download area so just download the latest free version offered. You can do this even if your free support period has expired. You do not need to purchase an upgrade.

Updating is easy. Just copy the setting lines from your existing linklokme.php and paste them into the new version.

If you have any doubts we will make the necessary changes for you free of charge if you either email us your linklokme.php or let us have FTP access to your server.

Amazon S3 support for Linklok

We have released new versions of Linklok Paypal, Linklok 2CO, Linklok Mals, Linklok Clickbank and Linklok URL. These new versions include support for Amazon S3 downloads. S3 allows Linklok to securely deliver files up to 5GB in size without using bandwidth on your main server.

Upgrades are free for users that purchased a license or upgrade within 12 months.

Linklok Mals V1.7 released

Linklok Mals V1.7 has been released. New features include:-

Support for options (drop down menus) used in Mals buttons or OptionCart
Replaced testorder.htm with a built in test form. This should make testing easier
New product based email notification
Better support for PappaShop, MerchantMoms, ShoppePro and other carts
Multiple Sitelok groups can now be assigned to each product
When creating Sitelok groups separate Sitelok email templates can be assigned for new and updated users
Modified JAM affiliate to use trans_id variable instead of id
Improvements to the manual
Various bug fixes and improvements

This upgrade is free for users that purchased within 12 months.

For further information visit the Linklok Mals pages.
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