
Sitelok V6.5 released

Sitelok V6.5 has been released with a number of new features, bug fixes and tweaks.

Date fields on registration, update profile and contact forms can now use a calendar input on supported browsers. You must select the validation format YYYY-MM-DD (HTML date) to enable this.
Date field calendar
Time fields on registration, update profile and contact forms can now use a clock on supported browsers. You must select the validation format HH:MM (HTML time) to enable this.
Time field clock
The min and max date for date validation can now be set as days from the current date as well as fixed dates. Negative days can be used too.

Added $slcreateddays, $slgroupexpirydays and $slgroupexpirydaysbyname page variables and associated email template variables.

Added page variables containing the users start date and membership days of each usergroup. These allow you to display content based on how long a user has belonged to a usergroup. Associated email template variable are also available.

Added a page content snippet for members of any listed usergoup expiring between a certain number of days.

Added a page content snippet for members of any listed usergoup who joined between a certain number of days. Great for gradual dropping of content.

Added sl_isexpiringmemberofany() and sl_ismemberdaysofany() functions.

Finally found found a fix for the missing file manager icons in Safari.

Many tweaks and bug fixes.

Visit the Sitelok version history page
Visit the Sitelok page.

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