
Vibracart Paypal V3.0 released

Its been quite a while since Vibracart Paypal was updated so we are really pleased to announce the release of V3.0 which is now fully responsive and easier to style.
  • The cart is now fully responsive allowing percentage width and height.
  • Most cart styling can now be set in the settings file without needing to modify CSS.
  • Buttons are no longer images so text can be defined in the settings file.
  • Save cart option can now handle large numbers of items.
  • Many design improvements and bug fixes.
There is an updated overview video on the vibracart product page and a number of demo pages showing various features here.

Vibracart Paypal V3.0 is a free upgrade for users who purchased a new license or an upgrade in the last 12 months. If you purchased before that the upgrade has a 50% discount.
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